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When my husband and I moved to Philly, it was just six weeks before the COVID19 lockdown. It was just enough time to find some truly amazing people, organizations, and communities, with whom we felt very connected. We had already found our people!

As time went on, I began missing my humble but hearty NYC rooftop garden. A lot! We moved into an apartment but there was nowhere to plant and get my hands dirty. So, my gregarious and kind husband saw a neighbor nearby, Maggie, mowing a lawn. He asked if she might know of someone with an empty lot that wouldn't mind having me grow some veggies and share them. She answered that she may know someone, and not less than 15 hours later, the most magical thing happened!

Maggie introduced me to Margarita-just down the street. She has an empty lot and wasn't interested in using it, and she shared a key immediately! People found it hard to believe, but I felt like this is the way Philly people behave. How great is that?

The generosity of Margarita inspired me to do something I'd not done in this sort of quantity before- to grow 1,000 bulbs. I had the space now and the energy, so why not grow spring flowers and give them all away- as a sort of pay it forward for the generosity I was shown as a Philly newbie? We've been sharing the flowers with local shops, and lots of surrounding neighbors and plan to give more away in Fishtown to passersby. Stay tuned!


Together with Margarita and Maggie (Left to right)

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